Emeritus Members

Emeritus Members are past NTA members who, during their membership, provided extraordinary and outstanding service to our organization over a long period of time. These exceptional individuals continue to live by our values of trust, collaboration, and a give-first mentality, and make themselves available to our organization regularly.

Bob Dodge

Bob Dodge

Senior Vice President, TAB Denver West

Bob Dodge is a Founding Member of the National Organization of Trusted Advisors, Board Member, and the first recipient of NTA’s Trust Leadership Award. He is a TAB (The Alternative Board) Facilitator and Coach, who leads peer advisory boards of business owners who come together in a safe, trusted environment to help each other improve their businesses in ways that change their lives.

Dawn Reed

Dawn Reed

President, Human Strategies, LLC

Dawn Reed was a long-time member of the National Organization of Trusted Advisors and Board Member. She founded Human Strategies, LLC, a consulting company dedicated to performance excellence, in 1995, and has served as president for over 20 years. An accomplished trainer and facilitator, Dawn is proficient in all phases of Baldrige assessment, evaluation and feedback.

Jayne Sanders

Jayne Sanders

Purpose & Law of Attraction Coach, Purpose Wisdom

Jayne Sanders was a founding member of Colorado Trusted Advisors, a past board member of NTA, and recipient of NTA’s Trust Leadership Award. She is a Master Scientific Hand Analyst, changing lives by helping people discover their innate purpose, special talents, and blind spots to take action on. Jayne also helps people enjoy more travel by accessing best prices, commission on their own travel, significant tax write-offs, and amazing perks.